Boost your SEO strategy with new features like Auto-Optimize, Internal Linking, and Surfer AI. Discover latest updates. Try Surfer free for 7 days!
Key Features
Surfer’s Content Editor has been upgraded to boost your content score
instantly. This feature ensures that relevant terms are inserted naturally,
improving readability and cohesion without sacrificing SEO quality.Internal Linking
The new Internal Linking tool scans your domain to find the best anchor points
and inserts internal links automatically, significantly reducing the time
needed for this task.Humanizer
To alleviate concerns about AI-generated content, Surfer introduces Humanizer.
This feature detects unnatural language patterns and enhances the natural tone
of articles, ensuring they avoid AI detection and penalties.Surfer AI
This tool generates ready-to-rank content quickly. It handles researching,
writing, and optimizing, allowing users to review and publish with confidence.
Surfer AI also includes Surfy, an AI assistant that helps with editing and
refining content in real-time.
Content Score Feedback
Surfer’s on-page optimization suite now offers real-time feedback on your
content’s SEO performance, helping you optimize structure, word count, and
keyword use.Collaboration Tools
Multiple contributors can work on the same content simultaneously, improving
teamwork and efficiency.Outline Builder
Create detailed content outlines with unique headings and questions in
seconds, streamlining the content creation process.
Surfer SEO supports seamless integration with various platforms, including Google Docs, WordPress, Jasper, and Contentful, making it easier for teams to collaborate and manage their SEO workflows.Additional Resources
Surfer Academy offers free live trainings, detailed guides, and a global community of 20,000 members for deeper engagement with SEO practices. Users can also benefit from the SEO Writing Masterclass to enhance their skills and get certified.Surfer SEO continues to be a game-changer in the industry, offering tools and features that make SEO more accessible and effective for content creators, SEOs, agencies, and teams.
Try Surfer free for 7 days and experience these innovations firsthand.